Precise Thinking

Welcome to Precise Thinking. I believe that precise thinking can solve or resolve any problem. It’s a radical thought because most of us believe we can solve some of our problems and only a few of the world’s problems. What does it mean to solve or resolve problems?

Precise thinking means keeping reality primary, digging deeper, and thinking bigger. Problems are solved when all the components are discovered, understood, and integrated sufficiently and seamlessly. Problems are resolved when the level of information is insufficient to solve the problem. Still, the insufficiency is justified based on the state of man’s knowledge of the observable or theoretical.

My quest for precision in thinking began implicitly at age four when I realized that learning to read would help me remember all the new words I was learning. It continued implicitly for over 70 years. I read Atlas Shrugged in 1966, and in 2021, I thought that Objectivism could and should be easier.

In 2022, I did ten videos on Chapter One of Ayn Rand’s Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology—total viewing minutes: 1 hour 13 minutes. Then I realized that a more personal approach would be more appropriate, and precise thinking became my label for my approach.

Precise thinking is the art and science of keeping reality primary, digging deeper, and thinking bigger to develop independent, first-hand truths that integrate seamlessly with previous knowledge. I welcome feedback because meaningful precision is my goal.

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Objectivism is the philosophy of Ayn Rand (1905-1982). She authored two best-selling novels, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged. Ayn rhymes with fine.

In the video series, viewers get the tools to simplify Objectivism without making it stupid. The tools come from my research and practice in systems, management, and anthropology. Use the tools, and live each day with confidence and energy.

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  • Email notice of each new video as published

  • Transcript of each new video three days after publication

  • Transcripts of all prior videos (with links to each video) as available

  • My lasting gratitude for your help in supporting this work.

  • PDF handouts of each video (in development).

  • Invitation to the online Monthly Mingle starting in September

Ayn Rand (1905-1982) is famous for her novels and Objectivism. Ayn Rand was born in czarist Russia. She immigrated to the US in the 1920s and became an American citizen in 1931. Ayn rhymes with fine.

In 1966, I was 19. My father said, "Here's a book by a crazy Russian lady you might enjoy." I did enjoy it. Thank you, Dad! Atlas Shrugged hooked me forever with these words:

"To hold an unchanging youth is to reach at the end the vision with which one started."

Videos started Feb. 2022. Subscribe &



Ilene Skeen, MBA, MA, author & speaker

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